Professor Maowia M. Mukhtar (Group Leader)


Our vision is to be leader in the research and innovation in emerging and neglected diseases


To establish a multidisciplinary research and build capacity to provide the foundation for

high quality research on emerging and neglected disease locally and globally


Professor Maowia M. Mukhtar (

Professor Elwaleed M; Elamin (wmelamin@hotmail.comn)

Mr. Mustafa Mohammed Ali (Ph.D. student)

Mr. Aymen Mohamed (Ph.D. student)

Ms. Mariam Mohamed Idris Saad (Ph.D. Student)

Current research projects:

Capacity building for early detection, diagnosis and control of Arboviruses in Sudan

and Kenyan (Sponsored by TIBA)


Arboviruses are a growing health threat globally and have been responsible for large epidemics in many sub-Saharan countries. The viruses cause focal epidemics with high case fatalities that are difficult to predict and control. The epidemics are usually associated with the changes in the distribution of the vector the availability of a source of an infection and the presence of susceptible human host. In addition, for some arboviruses, outbreaks have been associated with particular lineages. The virus vectors are prevalent in many regions with no history of previous transmission creating a potential for future epidemic (5). Currently three major outbreaks are reported in Eastern Sudan (Port Sudan and Kassala cities), Northern (River Nile state) and Western Sudan (Dar fur area). Little is known about the viral causes, the epidemiology and no accurate diagnostic tools are available to tackle these outbreaks. Ongoing studies in neighbouring Kenya are characterising the endemicity of chikungunya fever (CHIKF) and other arboviral illnesses. Arboviral diagnostic assays and sequencing pipelines have been developed as part of these studies. In this work, we will establish a collaboration between TIBA-Sudan and TIBA-Kenya with the main aim of strengthening the detection and diagnostic capacity of arboviruses in the two countries. Specific objectives will include:

1.   To accurately characterize the viral causes of the ongoing outbreaks in Sudan and Kenya using serological, molecular and genomics tools

2.   To identify possible vectors and reservoirs of arboviruses in outbreak areas in Sudan and Kenya.

3.   To establish an accurate and early diagnosis algorithm for arbovirus infection in Sudan and Kenya

4.   To develop a risk map of arbovirus infection in Sudan and Kenya.

5.   Preliminary analysis of the urine of patients for future development of a urine based diagnostic test