Our lab has been awarded fund for identification of new biomarkers for diagnosis of mycetoma. The PI of the project is Professor Elwaleed M. Elamin ( The project aims to identify new diagnostic biomarkers for mycetoma using proteomic technology for analysis of the grains, screened antigens, urine and blood of patients. The project is conducted in collaboration withe Professor Ahmed H. Fahal the  mycetoma research centre, Khartoum, Professor Wendy van de Sande, Medical Microbiology and Infection diseases Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Professor Sean Doyle, Maynooth University Department of Biology Maynooth, Co. Kildare, IRELAND.  The project is currently ongoing.
Snake and scorpion venoms:
This is funded by a grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Sudan.  The project aims for proteome analysis of snake and scorpion venoms and identification of the toxins, development of neutralizing antibodies. The activities of the project are on going
Pan-African Network for Rapid Research, Response, Relief and Preparedness for Infectious Diseases Epidemic
The project aims to develop and enhance laboratory, public health and clinical trials capacities for the rapid investigation of outbreaks at source. Laboratories will be developed for accurate and rapid detection all pathogens. Regional capacities will also be built to perform clinical trials (evaluating rapid diagnostics, biomarkers, treatments, vaccines and operational research studies) inter-epidemic and during an outbreak. Initially, a list of studies on field evaluation of new diagnostic tests and POCT in the framework of European projects have been selected. Data will be used for optimal clinical management of patients, infection control and public health response.