TIBA-Sudan Advance malaria course November 2018


Tackling Infections to Benefit Africa (TIBA) is an Africa-led, wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary research programme that explores and draws lessons from the ways that different African health systems tackle infectious diseases. TIBA will help empower African scientists to effectively and sustainably tackle neglected tropical diseases (such as schistosomiasis, malaria, trypanosomiasis and lymphatic filariasis), and improve preparedness for epidemics (such as Ebola). Tiba means “to cure an infection” in Swahili.

TIBA aims:

  1. Improve the diagnosis and surveillance of infectious diseases in resource-poor settings
  2. Improve the deployment of existing drug treatments and enhance local capacity to develop new ones
  3. Improve the deployment of existing vaccines and enhance local capacity to develop new ones
  4. Improve the management of endemic and epidemic infectious diseases by:
    1. Strengthening health systems, governance and ethics
    2. Improving policy development and implementation
    3. Enhancing capacity to respond to infectious disease emergencies

TIBA Sudan:

The TIBA-Sudan Rapid Impact Project aims to contribute to Malaria elimination from Khartoum State: Improvement of the health system and detection of persistent transmission foci of Plasmodium species. It is  partnership between the Instiute of Endemic Diseases, The Federal ministry of Health, Sudan, The directorate of laboratories, Khartoum State Ministry of Health and Edinburgh University.

Part of the capapcity building objective, the institute of Endemic Disesaes is organizing an advance malria traning course for junior scientist, health staff and post graduate students working on malaria.

The course will be facilaited by local expert and international malariologist and will include both theoretical lectures  and hands on practical’s

The course wil be held during the period 25 to 29 November 2018 at the institute of Endemic Diseases, University of Khartoum.

Application are accepted by completing the 0nline application form.